Ok, here you will find some MSN stuff that may or may not currently be available on the web.
Everything here is self-extracting unless otherwise posted. For custom backgrounds which were
made by me are labled. These are not self extracting and you fust serch the messenger directory
to find the image which contains your background. Then you must open both files, your current
background and the new one you got from me. Cut and paste my background into your current
background image and save. This should update your background image. Also, for custom smilies,
you do the same. Ex:My happy face should be replaced with your current one using the directions above.
My sad face replaced with your sad face. Otherwise, :) could be sad and :( could be happy. I also
provied the needed documents to trigger your smilies. Ex: instead of a happy face being
:) you could make it :happy or :smile or whatever you want. This is for advnced users though
as some knowledge of what you are doing is needed. I am to take no responsability for what any
of my tutorials or backgrounds/smilies or anything else does to your MSN. This has all been
tested on mine and works fine, doesnt mean it will for u too.
The Skin
Download the skin now and be able to use all of the other
MSN options available. Including the new smilieys
and custom backgrounds.
Download The Skin!
New Happy Faces
News msn happy faces are easy to install.
Just download and open the program and it should
automaticly install, or take you thorough a short process.
After that, you will see the new happy faces but your
friend may not, so tell ur friend about this site so he
can get them too!
Note: msn must be closed and exitied before installation
Download Now!
MSN Colors
Comming Soon!!!